ITI Turner Mock Test 2021 | ITI Model Question Paper Turner :-
आईटीआई Turner ट्रेड के छात्र रोजाना इन Mock Test को हल करके आगामी प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं में सफलता पा सकते हैं । इन Mock Test को हल करने के लिए सबसे पहले आपको दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करना होगा उसके बाद अपना नाम, ईमेल आईडी और ट्रेड डाल कर के Next Button पर क्लिक कर देना होगा | उसके बाद आपको सभी प्रश्न को सॉल्व करके सबमिट कर देना होगा जैसे ही आप सबमिट करेंगे, तो आपको View Score का Button दिखेगा आपको उस पर क्लिक करना होगा । उसके बाद आपका रिजल्ट आपके सामने आ जाएगा कि आपके कितने प्रश्न सही है और कितने प्रश्न गलत है ।
ITI Model Question Paper Turner | ITI Turner Chapter Wise Mock Test :-
1. व्यावसायिक सुरक्षा और स्वास्थ्य (Occupational Safety and Health)
Mock Test 1 | Click Here |
Mock Test 2 | Click Here |
2. अंकन और अंकन उपकरण (Marking and Marking Tools)
Mock Test 1 | Click Here |
3. हस्त औजार (Hand Tools)
Mock Test 1 | Click Here |
4. माप और माप लेने वाले औजार (Measurement and Measuring Tools)
Mock Test 1 | Click Here |
5. कर्तन औजार और कार्यक्रियाए (Cutting Tools & Operations)
Mock Test 1 | Click Here |
Mock Test 2 | Click Here |
6. लेथ की बनावट (Lathe Construction)
Mock Test 1 | Click Here |
7. लेथ एक्सेसरीज (Lathe Accessories)
Mock Test 1 | Click Here |
8. लेथ टूल्स (Lathe Tools)
Mock Test 1 | Click Here |
Reasons why the ITI model question paper turner are very important :-
ITI is highly in demand, and there is no doubt in the fact that students are engaging in a day with a lot of interest. But preparing for the ITI exam is not an easy thing to do. A person must be having the ITI model question paper turner available with them to crack the examination.
Here we are discussing the reasons why ITI model question paper turner will be beneficial and help students to get the appropriate results. Have a look at the benefits we are discussing!
Reasons to know :-
Stay updated :
For a person who is preparing for competitive exams, it is essential to stay up to date with the concept and all other aspects. After having the ITI model paper available, a person can get updates on what is happening and how the exam paper is prepared. Every year new model paper is available having the questions asked in the previous examination. This clearly means that whenever there is a change in any pattern or any other subject, the model question paper will help them to know about it.
Increase efficiency :
For a person who is engaging in competition, efficiency plays a big role. An ordinary person cannot be a part of the competition. Therefore after having the model paper available, a person can easily be increased their efficiency. While solving the model paper, they will be able to understand where they are long and which portion holds their major concentration. This not only helps them to prepare for those topics which lack their attention but also helps them to analyze how to prepare for it and how much time they are supposed to devote to it.
Track performance :
Before the examination, a person who is becoming part of a competition always wants to be sure about their performance. After having the model paper available, you can do it. In the model paper, you will find out some unsolved papers as well that will help you to track your performance. Make sure to examinations with loyalty so that you can practice performance and understand where you are the master or where you are lacking. Along with the unsolved papers, some solved papers are also available, having the answers are available for previous year questions and some additional topics.
Marking scheme understanding :
The marking scheme is also an integral factor to know, and there is no doubt that during a competitive examination, a person needs to be sure about all the examination sections holding the major marks. The unsolved and solved paper available in the ITI model question paper turner will help you to get an idea for it. The paper will not only help you to plan sufficiently but also allow you to understand whether you are preparing in the right manner or not.
Better revision :
Revision is also an important factor to know. You cannot qualify for an examination until and unless you are preparing for it with your heart. Revision is really very important, and you cannot skip it. After having the answer the question papers available, you can do it easily.
FAQ :-
Is it possible for me to prepare for the examination without the model paper?
It totally depends on the student how they want to prepare. But having the Examination model paper available will help them to track their performance and understand whether they are preparing in the right manner or not.
Is the marking scheme mentioned in the model papers the same as the current one?
Yes, the marking scheme is the same as the current one. The model papers are updated every year, so there is no need for people to worry about it. In case there is any change in the marking scheme, the same will be announced, and model papers will be customized accordingly.
Can I get the unsolved paper on online portals?
Yes. Online portals, you will find out different platforms offering you the ITI model question paper turner. All you need to do is just search for it and download it for your convenience.
Do I need to pay any additional amount to download papers through an online portal?
No, there is no need for an individual to pay any additional amount to download paper until and unless they are choosing a paid platform. If you are choosing a paid platform for downloading the paper, then there is a particular amount you need to pay.
So here we have come to an end and discuss how the ITI model question paper turner will be a boon for you. We suggest you get the right one and updated paper available so that you can prepare for examination sufficiently and there will be no such problem at all. Best of luck, and start preparing for your examination with the best model question papers!
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